Before I share what that question was, let me share a layout with you. :)

Some people have said that I seem to succeed at everything I do. Well let me tell you the truth…I fail too. You may not notice it that much because I have a nasty habit. I am a perfectionist. If I don’t think (or know) that I can be great at it…I don’t try at all. It’s something I wish I could change about me. I shouldn’t be afraid of failing. Think of all I will miss out on if I go through life never trying the things I think I can’t be perfect at.
And yesterday I got the question I had been dreading. I was changing Eryn's diaper and Austin came in. He looked a little confused (I didn't catch on) and asked "Mom...can Eryn not go pee yet?" (Me, still not catching on...) "What are you talking about, she can go pee...I am changing a diaper because she went pee." Austin: "But she doesn't have the part of the body for the pee to come out." (OOHHHHH!)
Supplies for "I Fail Too":
Paper, Chipboard, Gems, and Droplets--Kaisercraft, Paint--Making Memories, Trim--Websters Pages, Cardstock (for journaling)--Xerox, Computer Program--Microsoft Word, Font--American Typewriter
amazing layouts Pam (as always) and that "question" story is very funny. Can't wait to see you scrap that!
lol @ "the question"...nice.
PS-I know a couple of people who got pages picked up that had been shown on blogs and galleries. But, then again I know some people who completely disregard the NBS rule too and just hope the mag doesn't find out, so who knows. I just went ahead and shared mine b/c a girl I know said that she was contacted last week (the 25th maybe?), and had to send the page out like the very next day so I just figured all the calls had gone out.
Wonderful layout! His question is too funny!
I love that layout, so beautiful!
What a funny question! I would be interested in the answer, lol!!
Wonderful layout Pam!
Love the LO and yep, he got you on that one!!!
great layout and page idea!!
Too funny about the question, have to say that's one my kids never asked!
Your little episode is so adorable! I am so laughing. LOVE the layout, those flowers are so cute.
LOL...cute story.
LOVE your page. I'm a perfectionist, too! Could you guess?
this is a great lo...i love the colors you chose! your story reminded me of one from my boys...they were very little and still taking baths together...brock [the oldest] came out and said, "do you guys knwo that quinn [the youngest] has a hole in his butt"? LOLOLOLO
LOL that is hilarious!!!!
I love your layout! That flower is awesome!
Love it!
Fabulous layout Pam, it turned out wonderful and your journaling is so true to life, exactly what scrapping is for!!
HAH!! I remember THAT question, I had two boys before I had Kayla :-)
So Boys...I think my son had the same question wandering around in his head about his baby ha ha
Love the layout!!
OMG!! LMBO - got to love little boys!
Hilarious! I have 2 boys so haven't gotten that question! Great layout!
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