Let me just put this out there...this hobby is meant to be fun! If you are not enjoying it maybe a good old fashioned photo album is the way to go. :) Just sayin'.
Last night I created a layout, but first I had fun editing the photos. I just played a bit. :) It gives it a little bit of a more artsy look. I know there are people that do this all the time. And there are fantastic actions available, but sometimes it's fun to just sit down and try things and see what you come up with on your own. I promise you'll feel more proud. :)
Here's my layout that uses my "fun" photos.

The layout uses the lovely Summer's End collection from Fancy Pants. I used TWO transparencies and some acrylic accents on it! Lots of clear loveliness piled on this page. :) Here are some close up's:
Something else I want to say....it's been on my mind lately. I posted this on my facebook page yesterday: We need to learn to fight FOR each other, not WITH each other! We are all starving for encouragement and love. :) I just want to say that this DEFINITELY applies to us scrapbookers too! There are many different styles and many scrapbookers at different levels. I am so sick of hearing people say negative things about others' work. I know it's not everywhere (mostly because it's not allowed). But I encourage you to ENCOURAGE. Go leave 5 (or more) comments on people's work! I promise that it matters! People need to hear it.
Have a fantastic day!!! Thanks so much for stopping in! :)

Love the page Pamela and you are so right. I love looking at all levels because to me they are all interesting. I love this hobby.
Amen, Sistah Pam!! If I can't say something nice (and I can usually find at least one nice thing to say) I just keep quiet. Love your work and visit your blog daily.
I ALWAYS LOVE your work!!! And you are right, people should only scrap if they are having fun. It's crazy to think that people are out bashing others work. Keep up the good work!
First of all, your layout ROCKS!!! Second, I LOVE your commens about encouragement. Nothing is ever accomplished by tearing others down. Third, congrats on your new position with BG! So very well deserved!!
So beautiful Pamela. I adore your work!!!
Fabulous page! And thanks for the reminder to be NICE! :-)
Love your layout and all the layers are perfect. Thanks for sharing.
I'm with you on this one! Awesome banner work and beautiful page too! :)
I absolutely love your layout! The colors and the layering is incredible! Thank you so much for sharing- Amanda
You're so right in what you say... You already have 9 comments but I'll say it anyway: I LOVE this LO :)
So cool! Love the photo! And you are right, I believe in the power of positivity and you will get back what you put out :)
the photo looks great pamela - very cool - and congrats on BG!!!
AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! You GO GIRL!! I can not believe that peeps are leaving negative comments!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! Well... one thing I know you know about me... I SERIOUSLY LOVE every scrap page, card, altered art that I come across!
My scrappy motto is this....
"I used to over-analyze and over-stress on how EVERY one of my pages looked when I was done... I used to move my embellies here and there, and move my papers here and there... and then one day I realized ... Why? Why am I worried about what everyone else is gonna think of my pages? All that matters in the end is that I LOVE my pages...and it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks about them.. I am not always going to create a masterpiece, I am not always going to create a lo that everyone loves...and that is okay....because in 30 or 40 years from now...I can PROMISE you that my kids ARE NOT going to look at my pages and say, "Yeah....ummmmm Mom, these are great...but you know, it would have LOOKED sooooooo much better if you would have put that embellie over there instead of there!".......NO...they are going to be happy that I have left them a legacy of my pages about THEM! They are not going to care what they look like, they are going to care that I made lo's just for them. period."
I have that on my blog for everyone to see...and I truly believe it... I love every page I make and in turn, I love every page I see! :):):):):):):):):):):):)
I loveeeeeeeee your lo!! LOVING that photo and the banners! :):):):):):):):):):):)
Your layout is lovely.
As for your photo editing I am in awe of those that know how to use it.
I am a get what I get type of photographer, lol. I leave the editing to my daughter.
As for negative feedback, sorry this happened to you. I agree what our mothers told us...if you can't say something nice, dont' say anything at all.
Oh this is fantastic!!!! Love everything especially the design
This is so pretty, Pamela! Love the fall colors!
You are so right Pamela, what's the point in making negative comments anyway? To feel better yourself? That's sad.... I agree, we all should encourage more!!! It's no trouble at all to leave a nice comment here, 'cause I can honestly say that I'm in ooh and aaah over your layout and especially the photo with the touches of colour - fabulous!
So right about encouragemet! Love the banners on your page.
Holy moly, I've never seen a negative comment. That's just wrong that people would do that.
Beyond AMAZING!!!!!
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