This is the last week before school starts and we are busy getting prepared. Getting and labeling all of the school supplies. Getting school hair cuts and school clothes. They have to go in for testing, which happens to be today. Our school always does testing right before school starts to see where the child is at, but it lasts over an hour usually. Plus, we are hoping for last minute fun things like movies and swimming. So sorry for the lack of posts...
I do have a few things to share.
Since I'm are talking about my kids, I will share that with you first. :)
In case you don't know, The ScrapCake has a children's department! I think it is absolutely fabulous! The kids can play along. And even though Austin and Hayden are BOYS :) they do like to play with mommy's scrap stuff too. So they played along in this month's challenge:

And this is what Austin says about it:
I followed Kuba's advice and traced a house onto a paper. Then I put other papers around it and added some monsters. My grandma is having me memorize Bible verses, so I added one I am supposed to be learning. Then I found some flowers and put them on there. I really like it.
This is Hayden's magnet:

And this is what Hayden says about it:
I just added whatever I could find to my magnet. I made it with butterflies and flowers. I think it's pretty. I like it a lot.
He's six. :)
They enjoyed the project and they just love seeing their work online! I encourage you all to share your passion with your make it fun, and maybe even to a children's challenge! :)
And here is another layout to share with you...

It uses the gorgeous "The Bright Side of Life" collection from The ScrapCake.
Here are some close up's:
Ok, hope you all have a fantastic day!!!

We ar getting ready for school also...what an exciting time!!!
Love the magnets, how cute and the LO's are adorable!!!! LOVE~!!!!!!!!
Wishing you a great day!!! :-)
Beautiful work and those badges are only adorable from the pictures in them. Hope they have an awesome school year!
Wow, those badges are so adorable and they made the cutest projects! Tell them job well done!
Your layout is gorgeous, Pamela, and the journaling made me laugh! I love the projects your kids made, too.
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