Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 2 of my RAKS :)

Hello everyone, today is day 2 of my week long giveaways! You can still scroll down and leave comments for the first RAK too. :)

Today my RAK is the new line called "Imaginary Friends" from My Little Shoebox! :)

Love love love this line....it is SO FUN! :)

BTW: I will be doing this every month now. Every month I work with a specific line from My Little Shoebox. I will also give away that line on my blog that month. :)

So this month, as part of their DT, I got to work with this line, so here are some samples for you...first, two cards:

For more ideas for projects with the "Imaginary Friends" line, view the My Little Shoebox blog.

Now as for the rules...they are exactly the same as yesterday, so I will just copy and paste...

How to get entered into the drawing for this awesome prize:

* Leave me a comment on this post! :)

For EXTRA chances to win, here are two more ways to get entered into the drawing...

* Post about this giveaway on another site (blog, group, etc.) and then leave me a link to your post! :)

* Be a follower of my blog! Over to the right you will see the "follow" section. I have never done a giveaway where you have to become a follower of my blog...I kind of always thought of that as pimping out your blog. But then I was thinking about it and here is why I decided to go ahead and do it this time... 1) What's wrong with pimping out your blog? :) and 2) I have had many faithful and wonderful followers...isn't it ok to "reward" them for following me? Afterall, shouldn't they get a little extra love from me at times. :) So yep, if you become a follower or if you are already a follower, then you have another chance to win. Simply leave me another comment stating that you are a follower! :)

So there you have it! You have all week to leave your comments. I will announce a winner on Monday March 29th.

Good luck! :)


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Anonymous said...

Oooo, I looove that line! It's sooo cute. I became a follower (officially), too. :)

Jingle said...

Oh, MLS is one of MY FAVORITES!!!! They have the best papers! So cute!!

Colleen said...

such a cute line, would be very fun to work with.

April said...

What a cute line!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win it. ;) Oh and I'm a follower!
- April

Margie said...

What adorable cards! And another awesome giveaway?!Wow!

Margie said...

I am a follower!

Kelly Massman said...

What fun monster projects! Already a follower! Thanks for a chance to win!

Nathalie Kalbach said...

those cards are the cutest- I love them!!!

Wendy Kwok said...

These are so cute! Love your cards.

ruth said...

That's a really cute line!

ruth said...

Oops...and yes, I'm following!

anne g-i said...

love what you did with this super cute line!!

Christy Carlson said...

wow! this is super cute! I am a follower and just linked your RAK on my blog!

Kim Faucher said...

WEll, I had to double check but YES, I am a follower! :)
Love that mls stuff... so cute.. great colors!

anazelia said...

congrats on working with my little shoe box. that line is so stinking cute.

Blooberry56 said...

ohh my lordie! SUPER cute!!! i LOVE the little monsters! perfect for my three tiny terrors!!!

Blooberry56 said...

follower here! your work is GORGEOUS!

Krystle said...

Cute cards! I love that turquoise color.

TheresaE said...

Oh I love this RAK!! that paper is so adorable!!!

TheresaE said...

Ok I am now a follower. I always enjoy seeing your work, both here and at Scrapbook Challenges.

Barb said...

Okay, that line is adorable... and your projects are even MORE adorable. I love the second card and the shadowbox project. Wow!

Paula-Scrap Addict said...

I'm now a follower! and I love that paper :-)

ytet said...

Imaginary Friends collection is just awesome. Love it. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jackie said...

I love this line too. After seeing your work I just had to get some :)

D said...

This line is so kid friendly. I'd love to scrapbook my little monster with it.


D said...

I am a follower!

ytet said...

Already a follower. Already posted your RAK at my blog.

*Monica B* said...

Aww, that MLS line is adorable! And I love what you did with it. Your samples are definitely making me feel inspired!

*Monica B* said...

I am a follower!

Sheila said...

Thanks for another great giveaway. I'm already a follower.

Dani said...

Ohh I love this line! So cute! Of course, I'm a follower and it's still posted on my blog from yesterday. =)

Alyssa said...

LOVING these projects! I am a follower and I posted on my blog. :)

PattiM said...

Thats one of the cutest lines.
I'm a follower.


{Pattie's passion}

I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!

all4ty said...

love that line and your projects!

PattiM said...

Love your cards, especially the first one. And the shadow box is adorable..I added you to my blog's sidebar-blogs I visit.


{Pattie's passion}

I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!

all4ty said...

I'm following you!

Leah l'Orange said...

following, following, following! LOVE your blog!

Robin Wade said...

oK, Those cards are just TOO cute!! TFS!

Unknown said...

This line is adorable!!! I would love to win! Becoming a follower now....

~HappyScrappinMama~ said...

Oh, how cute! Love all your projects. I am now a follower and I also posted on my blog about your giveaway. Here is the link:

Thanks for sharing!

Sassy's Pretty Scrappy said...

This is super cute. I say yea to day 2 of RAKs.

Heather Landry said...

What an amazing RAK! I totally love your projects with it! The shadow box type is my favorite! I'm already a follower.

Leah l'Orange said...

plopped you up in my SIDEBAR for all to see! LOVE the MLS line!

Melissa said...

This is so stinkin' cute!!! BTW...I've been a follower too!

Summer Braxton said...

definitely an awesome line.... so fun.

Jenn said...

ACK! I totally forgot about this line, thank you for the reminder and chance to win! :)

Belinda said...

This looks like such a fun line, very cute.

Lisa C. said...

This is such a super cute line!! I love your cards and projects.

Lisa C. said...

I am now a follower!

skeeteror said...

What a fun line! I love the way you've used it! ~Bev~

Bethany said...

Seriously, I have to have this! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! LOL

Bethany said...

I am a follower?

skeeteror said...

I'm also a follower! ~Bev~

Laura said...

Cute papers!

Laura said...

I am a follower too.

Get the Picture by Kathy said...

What a cute line - I can see lots of potential for using it with my 3grandkids!

I am already a follower.

I am linking this to my blog: http://scrappinpsycho.blogspot.com

ScrapAddict21 said...

such a cute line!

ScrapAddict21 said...

I'm a follower too!

Craftastic Life said...

I Love the colors and the theme of this Kit!! It's way too cute.

Craftastic Life said...

I Love the colors and the theme of this Kit!! It's way too cute.

Craftastic Life said...

I'm Offically a follwer of the Blog now :)! You have amazing work!!

j.leija said...

such a cute line! and i adore what you did with that shoebox!!

Shelley said...

Cute projects!

PamSpradlin said...

I am a follower.

PamSpradlin said...

Your cards are adorable.

Carissa said...

Aww, this paper is soo cute.

Carissa said...

I'm a follower

Sandie said...

Very very cute line!!! Lucky you to get to play with this. Again... I'm a follower!

serenarepsold said...

This line is so adorable. Awesome work with it!

Annelie Maddock said...

Your creations are SO CUTE! Thanks for the chamce of winning this!

caroline hancock said...

OMG i love me a bit of my little shoebox , great cards as always , you rock !(already a follower)

Erika M. said...

Oh my, I totally love this line!

Erika M. said...

I became a follower today!

Erika M. said...

I tweeted on twitter.com - bluetulip29

djp said...

great stuff!! love what you've created!

Anonymous said...

I am now a follower! I love office supplies too! Paula

Anonymous said...

What a cute line and so fun! Paula

Renee said...

Such a cute line! I'm joining as a follower too-always love some scrappy inspiration!!

Louisa Surette said...

I am already a follower....butum, great projects, with a super cute line!!! Awesome giveaway!

Jennifer Hansen said...

Loving the little monsters!

Jennifer Hansen said...

Follower too!

Laura Stewart said...

cute cards!

Laura Stewart said...

I follow

Ashley Newell said...

This line is so cute! I love it!

Steffanie said...

You are so awsome to do these giveaways and share your talent! Thanks!

Steffanie said...

Already a follower!

BlessedinTexas said...

WOW, my first peak at this line and it is so so cute. I would love to work with this RAK and some pictures of my dd and her imagination.

THANKS so much for offering up some great RAKS.

Just hoping I get lucky enough to win.

Have a wonderful Wednesday,

salme said...

I would love to have some "Imaginary Friends" hihihi

Thank you for the chance.

I have posted this in my blog :


JPScraps said...

Really cute line. Perfect for kids!

Hannie C said...

those cards and the box are sooooo cute!!

Angela L. said...

Gorgeous stuff here! Thank you for the chance to win such beautiful prizes.....

Ilene said...

Awesome prize! Your projects rock, as always. I'm already a follower (of course :) and I posted about it on my blog: http://whatabunchofscrap.blogspot.com/2010/03/pamelas-giveaway.html

Becky Moore said...

This line is absolutely adorable!! I've been following for awhile now!Love your blog!

Teri said...

Love those cards, especially the "Thinking of You" card! Those circles are great! Thanks for the chance to win!

Teri said...

And I am now a follower, too! :)

Aussie TM5 Thermomixer said...

oooh I love this line!! You are very generous! I am now a follower too :)

rebekah said...

i've gone back in time to comment.. is that ok...? :) but how flipping cute is this line!!! i haven't seen it anywhere.. so i'm glad you're showing it off.. love to win!

Summer Braxton said...

i'm a follower

Shelly said...

That paper is adorable. I love it.

Shelly said...

Oh and I am a follower too!

heather_graham said...

adorable little monsters but not a fan of the color scheme. hope someone wins that would put it to good use, it's so cute!

jeanie de la rama said...

love the papers and the lo. :)

ellen s. said...

that little guys is soooo cute!

Kristin said...

I love that your goig to give us examples on how you work with the line and then one lucky person will also be given the set of paper.

Bonita Rose said...

these papers are rocking! Would love the chance to win these!

Rissa said...

The 1st card is my favorite!! The line is too cute...i can think of lots of ways to use it up!! (still a follower!)

Christine said...

These are cutest little guys! I love the shadowbox you made! Thanks for the RAK!

CStrickler said...

Another great Giveaway!!! Such a cute line of PP!

GLOANN said...

Oh, those are definitely my colors. Love it and would love to win this.

GLOANN said...

Do I need to say again that I am a follower because I am!

GLOANN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caryl Faith Briones said...

So cute! Love that line. Thanks for the chance to win.

StampinCathy said...

This is on fun and cute line. Thanks for a chance.

StampinCathy said...

I'm a follower! Thanks for another chance.

Unknown said...

What a super cute line...I hope that I'm the lucky one!

Unknown said...

Thanks for another chance to win!
I am a follower!!!

Skrapbuker said...

wow a whole week of raks!!

this would be such a cute line to work with!


Kim E said...

Very cute line! Thanks for the chance!

Denise said...

Ooooo ... sweet give-away!!

Kristin - The Fifth Sparrow No More said...

LOVE anything monsters! And since its pink monsters - it is perfect for my girls! Thankyou for the give away!

Rachelle said...

love those adorable monsters.

Rachelle said...

I'm a follower.

Daniela Dobson said...

Just found your blog from Scrapscene!!! I love it. So much inspiration and I love your style!! I love adding new blogs to my long list :)

Daniela Dobson said...

Following ♥♥♥

Angela Fehr said...

I love that line - the monsters are adorable!

melinda @ forevercrafts said...

liking this line. it's so cute with the little monsters. like your shadow box and cards. they are cute.

kate blue said...

very cute line...monster is a bit scary, but still cute!

Unknown said...

Wow...I have never seen the MLS line...and it sure is cute...off to check out their blog...thanks again for the great giveaways....:)


Unknown said...

I wanna have these papers... :)

djp said...

ack! crazy cute paper!

Anonymous said...

I simply love the color combination. Any lady would be super lucky to get this one. TFS!

silvia said...

OMG!! That line is adorable!! I need som imaginary friends!!

silvia said...

Me and my imaginary friends are following you.

Lisa F said...

So cute! Love this line!!!!!

Lisa F said...

I'm a follower

Unknown said...

I just tried to get rid of my little one's imaginary friends!

Scrapbooking by Kelly Messer said...

U are giving soooooo great prizes-thanks!!!! I say PIMP your blog site out as much as U want-sounds like something I need to do!!!! I am a follower-and I am gonna post a link to your blog now on my blog telling your the RAKS U are giving away NOW.. thanks again

gilroy gal said...

How adorable! Love your card!

Deborah Long said...

That is a totally excellent line! Love what you've done with it!!

Amanda L. said...

Pamela....that diorama box is one of the cutest things I've ever seen.....you make me want this line of MLS papers!!

Lisa C. said...

Such a cute and fun line:) thanks for the chance.

CreativeChretin said...

Looks like an adorable line!

Kim said...

Love this line!!! And I love your shadow box! I am playing with some MLS from my Two Chicks kit today....but not this line :(
but love your blog
such inspiration today

Traci66 said...

Wow a whole week of giveaways. How nice of you.

smahrty said...

love the little monsters. I liked them the first time you posted it and still do!

smahrty said...

PS I am a follower...

Engarmywife said...

How cute is this giveaway! I'm a follower and thanks for the chance :)

VanillaCarmel said...

awesomely cute papers!

Karen said...

These would be perfect for my 3 grandsons pages...Nice site.

Unknown said...

I am a follower, and have linked your candy to my blog www.charitycrafter.blogspot.com

keep up the lovely blog x Leigh x

Jessica - Magical Mundane said...

I love the imaginary friends. I would probably use this for my BOM or cardmaking since I have boys, although maybe it would work. Anyway I love it :)

Jessica - Magical Mundane said...

I posted about this giveaway on my Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JessicaAFM

Jessica - Magical Mundane said...

And I am a follower :)

Sandy Hentzel said...

Cute, cute, cute!!! TFS!!!

Sandy Hentzel said...

I'm following!

Carol Borders said...

I am so excited to watch this grow. Love your ideas. Just getting started with scrapping. And my kids are older so have lots to do. Yikes!

Bart and Cindy said...

I love this line....so cute!
Cindy D

Bart and Cindy said...

I'm a follower of your blog!
Cindy D

mae said...

This is super cute!!!

Melissa said...

I'm a follower and I've linked your blog to mine for your blog candy!


Lisa C. said...

This line is so fun and cute! Love what you did with it. Thanks for the chance.

Debbi said...

Wonderful giveaway! I love your card samples.

Debbi said...

I'm a follower.

Melissa Kaye said...

Very cute! I can't wait to see what you make using their product in months to come!

Melissa Kaye said...

I am a follower!

dclouser said...

Adorable projects! Love your style.

Gracie "Neky White" said...

I love this line!! XD

Gracie "Neky White" said...

I'm a follower =D

trisha too said...

this is so much fun--what a great line!


trisha too said...

so very linked!


trisha too said...

and following!

(those cards are SOOOO cute!)

Crystal_235 said...

Alll your projects are so cute!

Krystle said...

And I am a follower.

Gwen said...

Such cute paper! Love your projects!

Dana Tatar said...

Wow! Great cards and I love the altered box!

maya said...

what a great give away..thank you

maya said...

and i am a follower

Cindy Groh said...

Love those cards. I am now a follower of your blog and here is a link to my blog for your giveaway. TY for the chance to win.

Maya Ariffin said...

Wow...Another RAK...If I win this ('If') I'm sure I don't know how to create a layout using these cute creatures! & again I'm your follower.. :D

KarenB said...

Love love love the cute MLS range, someone is going to be a happy scrapper! You're so generous :)

Irit Shalom said...

This is adorable!! your all work is!! And I follow your blog too

Irit Shalom said...

Just saw that I need to add- I am your follower

Create With Joy said...

Hi Pamela,

I am so excited to discover your fab blog! I am following and have added your candy to my sidebar at Create With Joy - please enter me in your drawings!


Create With Joy said...

I follow!


Create With Joy said...

You're on my sidebar!


Jes said...

What a super cute line, and how generous of you to share this! Thanks so much for the chance to win this!

Jes said...

I am a follower, and love your stuff!

3C Crafts said...

I love your blog!

3C Crafts said...

I'm a follower!

Brittney said...

Your cards are just so adorable!

Brittney said...

..And, I'm already a follower =)

Unknown said...

I have posted that super fun paper on my blog!

marzee said...

My little shoebox is my latest obsession! I would love to win this! Awesome!

Anneliese Grassi said...

What a cute cute cute line! Your projects are all fantastic as well. TFS! I'm a follower.

Ilene said...

What a cute line! I love MLYB!

craftymama said...

I LOVE THIS LINE....I make books for my grandkids and I did a robot one for my grandson. I am now in love with robots and such. I am also going to have to plan out my time better because I am spending so much of it here with you. Thanks for the chance to win. I am now a devoted follower...all in one day.

jeanie de la rama said...

already a follower. posted the giveaway here. thanks for a chance to play. :)


Yukkie Jenny said...

He-he, funny monsters and project too.

Yukkie Jenny said...

And I'm your follower. ;)

DeeDee said...

Love,love,love the little imaginary friends shadow box! It's to stinkin cute!

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