Friday, February 26, 2010

Author of Reversals

These are not my words, but they come from Beth Moore. I was excited by them tonight and felt like sharing. :)

"Beloved, take these simple words to heart no matter how many times you've heard them: your God cares about you! He wants to show you what He can do with your life and your negative conditions, but He wants you to know without a doubt that He alone is the author of reversals. Wait like a watchman on the wall and when the first sign of reversal comes, don't dream of calling it coincidence. Raise the roof with praise and ask the One who has begun a good work in you to complete it! He is not only glorified through our suffering, He can also be supremely glorified through our celebrating."

(Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman by Beth Moore, page 197)

1 comment:

Julie Overby said...

We are just starting our Esther Beth Moore study tonight! I'm excited.

Good stuff!